Every Autonomous System (AS) must have an unambiguously single number which is called AS-number (ASN).An Autonomous System is a network or a group of networks with a common routing policy. They often have one group of administrators. Main parts of an Autonomous System are the existing core-routers.
16-bit-AS-Numbers (ASN) have an integer-range of 0-65536. That corresponds to 65536 possible AS-numbers. The range of 1 to 64511 is used within the internet. Private AS-numbers are only allowed to be used within an organization in separated private networks). Their range has to be within 64512 to 65534. The European HAMNET is such a separated network. In the year 2009 there has been an agreement between the participating European Countries for the use of 16-bit AS-numbers in the European HAMNET. The private range 64512-65534 was coordinated as follows (source: OEVSV:Digitaler Backbone (german)):
Country | 16-bit-AS-Range | Last Update |
Austria | 64512 - 64599 | 24.06.2016 |
Italy | 64600 - 64619 | 01.10.2009 |
Germany | 64620 - 64683 | 01.10.2009 |
Luxemburg | 64684 - 64685 | 01.10.2009 |
Netherlands | 64686 - 64704 | 27.02.2016 |
Hungary | 64705 - 64707 | 01.10.2009 |
Spain | 64708 - 64719 | 01.10.2009 |
Switzerland | 64720 - 64739 | 24.06.2012 |
Liechtenstein | 64740 - 64741 | 25.06.2012 |
France | 64742 - 64777 | 13.04.2013 |
Belgium | 64778 - 64788 | 26.09.2013 |
Turkey | 64789 - 64799 | 26.09.2013 |
Poland | 64800 - 64839 | 04.11.2013 |
Romania | 64840 - 64849 | 09.02.2014 |
Portugal | 64850 - 64854 | 04.03.2015 |
Slovenia | 64855 - 64864 | 07.12.2015 |
Croatia | 64865 - 64873 | 27.02.2016 |
In German HAMNET these 16-Bit-as-numbers are not used primarily for technical BGP-routing but for optimizing regional structuring.
32-bit AS-Numbers are used in German HAMNET since end of 2015. In 2015 after some discussion in the Net-44 mailinglist there was a proposal and international agreement for using private 32-bit AS-Numbers in whole AMPRNet. Splitting up the available range to individual countries depends on the „International Numbering Plan for Public Data Networks“ (X.121 Document) and the „List of Mobile Country Codes“ (E.212 Document) of the ITU. This is a list of assignments of local 32-bit-AS-Numbers in the European HAMNET (abstract):
Country | 32bit-ASN Block | Country Codes X.121 | Status | |
OE | Austria | 4223200000-4223399999 | 232-233 | HamnetDB |
I | Italy | 4222200000-4222499999 | 222-224 | HamnetDB |
DL | Germany | 4226200000-4226599999 | 262-265 | HamnetDB |
LX | Luxemburg | 4227000000-4227099999 | 270 | HamnetDB |
CR | Croatia | 4221900000-4221999999 | 219 | HamnetDB |
PA | Netherlands | 4220400000-4220599999 | 204-205 | HamnetDB |
HA | Hungary | 4221600000-4221699999 | 216 | HamnetDB |
EA | Spain | 4221400000-4221599999 | 214-215 | HamnetDB |
HB | Switzerland | 4222800000-4222999999 | 228-229 | HamnetDB |
HB0 | Liechtenstein | 4229500000-4229599999 | 295 | HamnetDB |
F | France | 4220800000-4221199999 | 208-211 | HamnetDB |
ON | Belgium | 4220600000-4220699999 | 206 | HamnetDB |
TA | Turkey | 4228600000-4228699999 | 286 | to be generated |
SP | Poland | 4226000000-4226199999 | 260-261 | HamnetDB |
YO | Romania | 4222600000-4222699999 | 226 | HamnetDB |
CT | Portugal | 4226800000-4226999999 | 268-269 | HamnetDB |
S5 | Slovenia | 4229300000-4229399999 | 293 | HamnetDB |
In European HAMNET 16-bit and 32-bit as-numbers are used in parallel. Every country may have its own policies for deploying 32-bit-as-numbers out of their own as-range..
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