
Every Autonomous System (AS) must have an unambiguously single number which is called AS-number (ASN).An Autonomous System is a network or a group of networks with a common routing policy. They often have one group of administrators. Main parts of an Autonomous System are the existing core-routers.

16-bit-AS-Numbers (ASN) have an integer-range of 0-65536. That corresponds to 65536 possible AS-numbers. The range of 1 to 64511 is used within the internet. Private AS-numbers are only allowed to be used within an organization in separated private networks). Their range has to be within 64512 to 65534. The European HAMNET is such a separated network. In the year 2009 there has been an agreement between the participating European Countries for the use of 16-bit AS-numbers in the European HAMNET. The private range 64512-65534 was coordinated as follows (source: OEVSV:Digitaler Backbone (german)):

Country 16-bit-AS-Range Last Update
Austria 64512 - 64599 24.06.2016
Italy 64600 - 64619 01.10.2009
Germany 64620 - 64683 01.10.2009
Luxemburg 64684 - 64685 01.10.2009
Netherlands 64686 - 64704 27.02.2016
Hungary 64705 - 64707 01.10.2009
Spain 64708 - 64719 01.10.2009
Switzerland 64720 - 64739 24.06.2012
Liechtenstein 64740 - 64741 25.06.2012
France 64742 - 64777 13.04.2013
Belgium 64778 - 64788 26.09.2013
Turkey 64789 - 64799 26.09.2013
Poland 64800 - 64839 04.11.2013
Romania 64840 - 64849 09.02.2014
Portugal 64850 - 64854 04.03.2015
Slovenia 64855 - 64864 07.12.2015
Croatia 64865 - 64873 27.02.2016

In German HAMNET these 16-Bit-as-numbers are not used primarily for technical BGP-routing but for optimizing regional structuring.

32-bit AS-Numbers are used in German HAMNET since end of 2015. In 2015 after some discussion in the Net-44 mailinglist there was a proposal and international agreement for using private 32-bit AS-Numbers in whole AMPRNet. Splitting up the available range to individual countries depends on the „International Numbering Plan for Public Data Networks“ (X.121 Document) and the „List of Mobile Country Codes“ (E.212 Document) of the ITU. This is a list of assignments of local 32-bit-AS-Numbers in the European HAMNET (abstract):

Country 32bit-ASN Block Country Codes X.121 Status
OE Austria 4223200000-4223399999 232-233 HamnetDB
I Italy 4222200000-4222499999 222-224 HamnetDB
DL Germany 4226200000-4226599999 262-265 HamnetDB
LX Luxemburg 4227000000-4227099999 270 HamnetDB
CR Croatia 4221900000-4221999999 219 HamnetDB
PA Netherlands 4220400000-4220599999 204-205 HamnetDB
HA Hungary 4221600000-4221699999 216 HamnetDB
EA Spain 4221400000-4221599999 214-215 HamnetDB
HB Switzerland 4222800000-4222999999 228-229 HamnetDB
HB0 Liechtenstein 4229500000-4229599999 295 HamnetDB
F France 4220800000-4221199999 208-211 HamnetDB
ON Belgium 4220600000-4220699999 206 HamnetDB
TA Turkey 4228600000-4228699999 286 to be generated
SP Poland 4226000000-4226199999 260-261 HamnetDB
YO Romania 4222600000-4222699999 226 HamnetDB
CT Portugal 4226800000-4226999999 268-269 HamnetDB
S5 Slovenia 4229300000-4229399999 293 HamnetDB

In European HAMNET 16-bit and 32-bit as-numbers are used in parallel. Every country may have its own policies for deploying 32-bit-as-numbers out of their own as-range..

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