
Services provided by IP-Coordination DL

Some of our basic services everyone can use:

Tools for communication and repositories for setting up services in HAMNET or HAMCLOUD

IP-Coordination DL provides a Mailinglist-Server on Internet. Actual mailinglists are closed and only accessible for registered Users. There is an option for self registering to interested persons. More lists can be generated on request. For now the following lists are activated:

responsible person: Egbert Zimmermann, DD9QP

IP-Coordination DL maintains some repositories and software-mirrors for access from within HAMNET and HAMCLOUD. This is important for users, sites and devices which don't have direct internet access at their locations.


responsible person: Egbert Zimmermann, DD9QP
responsible person: Thomas Osterried, DL9SAU


Informations and files for setting up a regional DNS with connection to our DNS-Hub-system, including an automated update in both directions. RSYNC access in HAMNET:

rsync ipkoord.de.ampr.org::ampr-dns
rsync dl-ost.ampr.org::ampr-dns
rsync dl-sued.ampr.org::ampr-dns
rsync dl-west.ampr.org::ampr-dns

responsible persons: IP-Coordination DL, IPKOORD

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  • Zuletzt geändert: 09.12.2020 20:20 Uhr
  • von dd9qp