
AMPRNet IP Coordination Germany

The German AMPRNettm IP-Coordination is a working group which has been elected by the community of all german radioamateurs. It works in a kind of „AMPRNet National IP Registry (ANIR)“ for the german parts of the worldwide TCP/IP-network for Radio-Amateurs, also called NET-44 or AMPRNettm. DL-IP-Coordination Germany is supported by regional maintainers in a kind of „AMPRNet Regional IP Registry (ARIR)“. In many german sub-regions these guys are the responsible persons for any questions, problems and requests from radioamateurs out of those sub-regions concerning participation in the NET-44. ARIRs can manage their submitted IP-ressources independantly within the region they are responsible for.

HAMNET - services, structure, AS-Numbers, BGP and more
HAMCLOUD - services, structure, integration into HAMNET
IPKOORD - history, organisation, tasks and activities round about our team
MEETINGS - meetings, lectures, documents from DL-IP-Coordination
SERVICES - what we can do for you
IMPRESSUM - privacy policy and all such stuff

ARCHIVE - Some old stuff that's worth being preserved.

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  • Zuletzt geändert: 09.12.2020 20:19 Uhr
  • von dd9qp